We highly prioritize scientific and popular science publications to share our research results and conclusions with the agricultural community. We focus on international peer-reviewed high quality journals as well as national journals and popular agricultural magazines. Moreover, we present frequently at international and national conferences, seminars and workshops and contribute with conference papers and posters. In addition to that, we host field days and give practical demonstrations at the center.
International publications
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Krüger, E.; Woznicki, T. L.; Heide O. M.; Kusnierek, K.; Rivero, R.; Masny, A.; Sowik, I.; Brauksiepe, B.; Eimert, K.; Mott, D.; Savini, G.; Demene, M.; Guy, K.; Petit, A.; Denoyes, B.; Sønsteby, A:. Flowering Phenology of Six Seasonal-Flowering Strawberry Cultivars in a Coordinated European Study. Horticulturae 2022, 8, 933. doi:10.3390/horticulturae8100933
Kusnierek, K.; Thomsen, M.; Sønsteby, A.; Woznicki, T.; Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) growth response to wood fiber based growing media in ebb-and-flow system as a function of the electrical conductivity of nutrient solution and pot size. Acta Hortic, 1317, 133-140.
Øvergaard, S. I., Isaksson, T., Kvaal, K. and Korsaeth, A. (2010). Comparisons of two hand-held, multispectral field radiometers and a hyperspectral airborne imager in terms of predicting spring wheat grain yield and quality by means of PPLS regression. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 18, 247-261.
Korsaeth, A., Riley, H., Kværnø, S.H. and Vestgarden, L.S. (2008). Relations between a Commercial Soil Survey Map Based on Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa) and Measured Soil Properties on a Morainic Soil in Southeast Norway. In: Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics (Eds. Barry J. Allred, Jeffrey J. Daniels, and M. Reza Ehsani), p. 225-231. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Korsaeth, A. (2008). Dependence of Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa) upon Soil Texture and Ignition Loss at Various Depths in Two Morainic Loam Soils in Southeast Norway. In: Handbook of Agricultural Geophysics (Eds. Barry J. Allred, Jeffrey J. Daniels, and M. Reza Ehsani), p. 217-223. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Berge, TW, Cederkvist, HR, Fykse, H & Aastveit, AH. (2008). Simulating the effects of mapping and spraying resolution and threshold level on accuracy of patch spraying decisions and herbicide use on mapped weed data. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 58: 216-229. doi: 10.1080/09064710701593087
Berge, TW, Fykse, H & Aastveit, AH. (2007). Patch spraying of weeds in spring cereals: Simulated influences of threshold level and spraying resolution on spraying errors and potential herbicide reduction. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 57: 212-221. doi: 10.1080/09064710600914202
Conference, workshop and seminar proceedings
Korsaeth, A., Kusnierek, K., Berge, T.W., Ficke, A., Netland, J. (2015). Use of multiple sensors to determine multiple, co-occurring wheat stressors. 23rd International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre for Fertilizers. Plant nutrition and fertilizer issues for the cold climates, September 8-10, Son, Norway. Published in: Haneklaus, S., Lombnæs, P., Schnug, E. (eds.), Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut 184, 2016, p. 14. Saphir Verlag, Ribbesbüttel, Germany. ISSN 1866-590X, DOI 10.5073/berjki.2016.184.000
Paraforos, D., Griepentrog, H., Geipel, J., and Stehle, T. (2015). Fused inertial measurement unit and real time kinematic-global navigation satellite system data assessment based on robotic total station information for in-field dynamic positioning. in John V. Stafford, ed., ‘Precision agriculture ’15’, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 275-282. doi:10.3920/978-90-8686-814-8_331
Stoelen, M.F., Kusnierek, K., Tejada, V.F., Heiberg, N., Balaguer, C. and Korsaeth, A. (2015). Low-Cost Robotics for Horticulture: A Case Study on Automated Sugar Pea Harvesting. in John V. Stafford, ed., ‘Precision agriculture ’15’, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 283 – 290.
Berge, TW, Utstumo, T. & J. Netland. (2012). Field robots for research and developments in site-specific weed management. In: Peruzzi, A. (Ed.). Proceedings of the first International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture. September 19-21 2012, Pisa, Italy, p. 31-34.
Kusnierek, K. (2011). Pre-processing of soil visible and near infrared spectra taken in laboratory and field conditions to improve the within-field soil organic carbon multivariate calibration, in:Adamchuk, V.I., Viscarra Rossel, R.A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing. McGill University Press, Montreal, Canada, pp. 100–103.
Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C., Kuśnierek K., Piekarczyk J., Królewicz S., Guliński M., Terelak H., Stuczyński T., Maliszewska-Kordybach B. (2010) Unsupervised clustering of soil spectral curves to obtain their stronger correlation with soil properties. Second Workshop on Hyperspectral Imane and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. 14-16 June 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland. ISDN: 978-1-4244-8906-0, doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2010.5594852, 4pp.
Korsaeth, A. (2008). Yields and N leaching/runoff losses in a long-term cropping system experiment in SE Norway; results from the new Millennium. NJF seminar 407: Long-term field experiments − a unique research platform, June 16-18, Sandbjerg, Denmark. Published in: Christensen, B.T, Petersen, J., Schacht, M. (eds.) Long-term field experiments − a unique research platform. DJF Plant Science, 137: 68-71.
Korsaeth, A. (2003). Relations between soil apparent electrical conductivity, available N, pH and soil moisture on a morainic soil under growing barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in SE Norway. Published in: Programme book of the 4th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA), June 15-18, Berlin, Germany, p. 465-466.
Korsaeth, A. and Riley, H. (2003). Relations between electrical conductivity, soil texture and SOM content: Experiences with EM38 on a morainic soil in SE Norway. NJF-seminar no. 336, June 10-12, 2002, Skara, Sweden. Published in: Implementation of Precision Farming in Practical Agriculture, DIAS Report No 100: 139-142.
National publications
Korsæth, A., Lindgaard, H., Veidal, A., Asheim, L.. (2019). Utbredelse og potensiell økonomisk og miljømessig nytteverdi med presisjonsjordbruk i Norge. [Prevalence and potential economic and environmental benefits with precision agriculture in Norway] NIBIO Rapport, 5 (41), 54p. ISBN: 978-82-17-02303-6 .
Eltun, R., Romstad, E., Øygarden, L., Bakken, L., Krogstad, T., Uhlen, A.K., Bjugstad, N. Bakken, A.K., Grønlund, A., Hauge, A., Hoel, B., Korsæth, A., Riley.H. Endrerud, H.C. and Mangerud, K. (2010). Kunnskapsstatus ”Bedre agronomi”. Utredning av kompetansegrunnlaget for bedre agronomi for å møte landbrukets klimautfordringer. Bioforsk RAPPORT 5(66): 77 s.