Welcome to Technology Day at NIBIO Apelsvoll

Welcome to Technology Day at NIBIO Apelsvoll

Tractor – better utilization of the key machine in agriculture’19 September 2024The tractor will retain an important role in agriculture in the future as well. There is great potential for more efficient use which can contribute to reduced machine costs,...
Technology day NIBIO Center for Precision Agriculture

Technology day NIBIO Center for Precision Agriculture

Welcome to Technology Day on precision plant protection NIBIO Apelsvoll, Center fpr Precision Agriculture 19 September 2023 There are increasingly strict requirements for the use of pesticides, while some changes in operating practices, e.g. increased share reduced...
Project proposal funded

Project proposal funded

We are happy to share that our project proposal REQUEST (REnewal, QUality and yield ESTimation in grasslands) has been funded from the Norwegian Research Council NRC.

Job offer at the CPA

Job offer at the CPA

Would like to work with us for an even better and more sustainable food production? Are you good at web-based programming (back-end) and databases?
We have an opening for a system developer on our team.

Collaboration with Fagskolen Innlandet

Collaboration with Fagskolen Innlandet

In 22 October, the Center for Precision Agriculture were visited by a large group of 50 students in Plant Production and Operations Management and roughage-based livestock production at Fagskolen Innlandet.

Popular technology day in September

Popular technology day in September

The Center for Precision Agriculture arranged a technology day at Apelsvoll on 21 September. As many as 200 visitors found their way to us that day to hear about precision farming and agricultural technology.