Protection of personal privacy
As an important part of the effort to create a user-friendly website, we look at the user pattern of our visitors. To analyze the information, we use the analyses tool Google Analytics.
Google Analytics uses cookies to detect the users’ IP addresses which provide information about the individual user’s movements online. Examples of what the statistics give us answers to are; how many people visit various pages, how long the visit lasts, which websites users come from and which browsers users are on. None of the cookies allow us to link information about your use of the site to you as an individual.
The information collected from Google Analytics is stored on Google’s servers in the U.S. The information received is subject to the Google Privacy Policy.
In addition, your computer automatically sends information to nibio.no’s servers whenever you request a page, i.e. information about which browser and version you use and your Internet address (IP address). For each page that is displayed, information concerning date and time, which page you came from, which page you are on etc. is also stored.
None of this information is used to identify individuals. We use this information to generate statistics that show, among other things, which pages are most popular and what information users are searching for. The statistics are a tool to improve our services to you as an end user.