Yara Hanninghof Research Center

Yara Hanninghof Research Center

The CPA was visited by Jörg Jaspers from Yara Hanninghof Research Center Germany. Beneath a demonstration of the CPA’s sensors and other equipment, he was shown around the research facilities and fields of the farm.

ECPA 2017

ECPA 2017

The CPA participated with an oral presentation on the preliminary results of the REMOTE SENSING project at the 11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture at John McIntyre Centre, Edinburgh, UK.

CPA field day 2017

CPA field day 2017

The CPA presented its research and staff at the CPA fieldday 2017 at NIBIO Apelsvoll. Around 70 interested researchers, advisors and farmers were given a presentation of selected research topics within the CPA.

HUGINogMUNIN – a hybrid UAV

HUGINogMUNIN – a hybrid UAV

We have finished the work on HUGINogMUNIN, our first hybrid UAV prototype – a combination of a fixed-wing aircraft and a rotary-wing multicopter. Its name derives from Hugin and Munin, two ravens who are sent out each day to fly all over the world to bring information to Odin.