In 22 October, the Center for Precision Agriculture were visited by a large group of 50 students in Plant Production and Operations Management and roughage-based livestock production at Fagskolen Innlandet. The students were here all day to learn more about precision agriculture and some of the technology behind it, in addition to a practice-oriented lecture on site-specific tillage. They also heard about how drones can be used in agriculture and attended a live demonstration of drone flying. The students were challenged to think through how to use precision technology and what factors one must be aware of if, for example, one is to use different technologies and solutions that are offered.
The visit was designed as part of the Precision Hectare project, funded by Innlandet County Municipality. The precision hectare is a project and a physical area of one hectare that is intended to be a meeting place for everyone who works with precision agriculture, and a demonstration arena for precision technology. The project will promote innovation, disseminate knowledge and contribute to learning across the actors in agriculture.
Fagskolen Innlandet will develop a new study curriculum within Green Technology and Precision, in connection with the agricultural curriculum they already have. In the process of developing this curriculum, they have asked the Center for Precision Agriculture to contribute with knowledge and inputs. A scheme similar to tasks student had during their visit to our center can conceivably be included as part of such a curriculum, and will form the basis for a good collaboration between Fagskolen Innlandet and the dissemination and learning arena that the Precision Hectare is intended to be.
Fagskolen Innlandet is the first vocational school in Norway to receive accreditation for their agriculture study offers from NOKUT, the National Agency for Quality in Education,. This means that they can create new agricultural subjects themselves or make significant changes in the educational offer within agriculture.